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Austerity creates a vicious cycle. Cuts to growth-enhancing public expenditures—such as capital investment and social spending—weaken the tax base and increase the need for social assistance, aggravate fiscal deficits and debt and lead to further austerity measures. The cuts also undermine future human development and risk reversing hard-won gains. And they are likely to amplify inequality, which in itself is an obstacle to sustained growth and increases the risk of economic and financial crises.</p> <p>Macroeconomic policy matters for human development. It influences the quantity and quality of employment, the level of social protection and the provision of public services. There is growing evidence that current macroeconomic policies—especially in developed countries—encourage volatility in output and exchange rates, increase inequality and thus undermine human development. This is due largely to an excessive focus on price stability and the poor timing of austerity policies that exacerbate problems of public and private debt and do little to lay the basis for economic recovery. It is time to reassess the rationale for austerity measures and refocus policy efforts on boosting investments for sustained long-term growth".</p> <p>Ми з Олегом Ляшко переконуємо Вас в цьому вже понад рік. Результати своєї непохитності Ви можете вже й самі побачити, вийшовши на вулицю (бажано не на Печерську). Звісно якщо наважитесь.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Віктор Галасюк,</strong></p> <p><strong>Народний депутат України від опозиційної фракції Радикальної партії Олега Ляшка</strong></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.lastPhotosSection img').click(function() { document.location = 'gallery'; }); }); </script> <div class="wideWrapper sectionSocial" style="margin-top: 25px;"> <div class="viewportWrapper"> <div class="lastPhotosSection"> <img src="image_upload/100149663155a02001018a07.58462624_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/1002708797557d883f7213b8.16726778_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/100979503654fd9b45e7ea47.30558614_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/1012158496553610aea5b995.01569481_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/1012182984558964f0904b94.24800355_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/101563075755880a4bd2da46.07335739_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/101566222655968e03026e42.31279502_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/1015733747551e297a72c333.08617678_image1.JPG" /> <img src="image_upload/1017669135486fb9c0d1c47.14581150_image.jpg" /> <img src="image_upload/101805588854ea05ae1d18c5.37340821_image.jpg" /> <!-- <img src="ui/images/upload/5.jpg" /> <img src="ui/images/upload/6.jpg" /> <img src="ui/images/upload/7.jpg" /> <img src="ui/images/upload/8.jpg" /> <img src="ui/images/upload/9.jpg" /> <img src="ui/images/upload/10.jpg" /> --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="wideWrapper"> <div class="viewportWrapper"> <div class="copyright">© 2022 Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка</div> <!-- <div class="contactItem" style="padding-left: 135px;"> <h4>Контакти для листування</h4> <div><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> 01008, м. 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Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка

Присвячується адептам поглибленої співпраці з МВФ

Віктор Галасюк
14 Dec 2015, 10:07

Усім неолібералам та адептам безстрокової і поглибленої "співпраці" з МВФ, особливо Арсеній Яценюк , Наталія Енн Яресько / Natalie Ann Jaresko та Абромавичюс, Айварас, присвячується (цитую UNDP Human Development Report 2014):

"This disproportionate focus on public spending and debt diverts attention from a deeper and more fundamental question: how to achieve inclusive and sustainable long-term growth? Austerity creates a vicious cycle. Cuts to growth-enhancing public expenditures—such as capital investment and social spending—weaken the tax base and increase the need for social assistance, aggravate fiscal deficits and debt and lead to further austerity measures. The cuts also undermine future human development and risk reversing hard-won gains. And they are likely to amplify inequality, which in itself is an obstacle to sustained growth and increases the risk of economic and financial crises.

Macroeconomic policy matters for human development. It influences the quantity and quality of employment, the level of social protection and the provision of public services. There is growing evidence that current macroeconomic policies—especially in developed countries—encourage volatility in output and exchange rates, increase inequality and thus undermine human development. This is due largely to an excessive focus on price stability and the poor timing of austerity policies that exacerbate problems of public and private debt and do little to lay the basis for economic recovery. It is time to reassess the rationale for austerity measures and refocus policy efforts on boosting investments for sustained long-term growth".

Ми з Олегом Ляшко переконуємо Вас в цьому вже понад рік. Результати своєї непохитності Ви можете вже й самі побачити, вийшовши на вулицю (бажано не на Печерську). Звісно якщо наважитесь.


Віктор Галасюк,

Народний депутат України від опозиційної фракції Радикальної партії Олега Ляшка